An Independent Review,
William Roemmich, Proprietor
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"Neither can his words be in tune, whose words do jarre,
Nor his reason in frame, whose sentence is preposterous..."
Ben Jonson
...Semper in hac re qui vincitur vincit...
Nor his reason in frame, whose sentence is preposterous..."
Ben Jonson
...Semper in hac re qui vincitur vincit...
Disinterment From the Archives:
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Haunted Palace began in response to the epiphany that teachers, even teachers of writing, do very little writing themselves, while insisting to their students that writing is important. More dismal, and telling, is that even less writing is undertaken by administrators, functionaries and politicrats, and the writing that does appear most often is the jargon-ridden, weasely variety that produces Death by English, or, if survived, at least a serious case of WTF. Truly, we cannot know what we believe until we write what we think. Haunted Palace is dedicated to clarity of thought and a celebration of the beauty and possibilities of the English language. The menu on the left takes the intrepid reader to pages and buttons wherein is interred all past writing, by broad subject matter. New writing will be indicated by buttons above, on this page, ready for formal viewing, primly propped, whether or not the open casket was a good idea. WR
Lady Gillian Jones--Royal Proofreader
V.K. Spenser--Poet-in-Residence